It feels great to end the season 9-4. Go DAWGS! Go SEC

I'm not deep enough to celebrate Kwanzaa. I'll admit it. I appreciate the idea of it because I was definitely into the first day of Umoja because unity is beautiful. My people need more of it. I just don't know anyone that really gets into Kwanzaa. I don't even know people that cheerily say, "Happy Kwanzaa!" or anything related. I think I'll make it a point to do Kwanzaa next year in addition to Christmas.
BTW, Chrimmah was cool. I got the joy and satisfaction of being with my family all day. I know I mentioned it before, but it's amazing to see how cool my two youngest nieces, FutureIVY and Lil Genius are. I gotta start hanging with them before I become not cool enough to be seen with. We still gotta work on my nephew, Lil Bernard. He looks just like my big brother, Bernard, but he is quite the brat, and it's not just because he's a boy or younger. Just spoiled rotten. FutureIVY used to be that way, but she's evolving into not being so spoiled. Maybe because LilGenius is actually FutureIVY's first cousin, and LilGenius is being raised by her aunt since her mother passed not that long ago. So, FutureIVY has to share the girl spotlight, but Lil Bernard didn't have to until his new kid sister came along. *sigh* There's too much to type.
If you live in Atlanta, don't go to the IHOP at Greenbriar Mall! I've been there a few times, but I'll never go back again. It was some straight bullisht, and I sure did pull out a "White Chicks" trick: I submitted an e-mail to their corporate website, but I sho as hell am gonna submit a real 81/2 by 11 letter with exactly what I want to say to corporate and the location. (The e-mail reply form only allowed for 2000 characters max.) Here's what I said in the e-mail below, but I'll have to say more in my real deal letter:
My brother and I went in without a wait and were seated promptly in a corner area with 5 booths behind a large party. When we arrived, there were small tables available in the front of the restaraunt. The waitress promptly took our beverage order: lemonade and water with lemons. She brought drinks quickly, but my lemons were missing. I received lemons 10 minutes later after a second request.After receiving our drinks, the service sped downhill. My brother and I noticed there were 3-4 servers working the party of about 20-25, but the servers were also forced to work their regular areas so they couldn't provide quality service to regular customers.
We placed our order 15 minutes after receiving my lemons, but we made several observations of poor service while waiting. There was a gentleman seated alone who arrived before us. He waited patiently for his food, and once it came, he left without touching it, and the waitress threw the food away. The couple in the booth across from us came about 5 minutes after us, and they were NEVER waited on. They left also.
In the meantime, we saw a woman arrive alone approximately 10 minutes after we arrived. She received her juice and water immediately, and her bacon and pancakes arrived within minutes of being seated while we still waited for our order of a Chicken Fajita Omelette and the low carb steak and eggs platter; my brother requested scrambled eggs with cheese.
Our order arrived about 20 minutes later. I received my omelette with no sour cream or pancakes. My brother's steak and eggs came without steak sauce. My omelette had extra cheese but tasted bland. My brother's eggs had NO CHEESE, and he couldn't cut into his delicious smelling steak without the steak sauce. Our waitress said she had to go back for our pancakes, and we waited over 5 minutes before we left our area.
That was the worst IHOP experience I've had in years. I like supporting local businesses, but I will never return to this unit.
So, as you see, I'm really not some common fool that'll cuss you and you mama out and leave. Negative on that! I'm gonna hit you where it hurts, and there's nothing like documentation of bullisht to hurt an establishment's reputation with the corporate office. I don't want anyone to get fired, but I will tell you that another restaurant manager in the area knows that the fine people of South Fulton County don't play with their money, and we will let you know via letter when we're unhappy. OK, not all of us, but you get the point.
Luckily, NOPI and I actually found a nice restaurant right up the street from where we live. It's called "Q's Southern Restaurant", and it's almost like a cafeteria with really good homemade food. It was a decent atmosphere and really nicely priced. Best of all, it was black owned and operated! I love supporting black businesses. I won't exclude other businesses, but I prefer spending my black dollars with black entrepreneurs or businesses that have enough faith in my mostly black area to bring their products, wares, and JOBS to my area.
BTW, for my fellow James Brown lovers, go to for a very nice tribute to Soul Brother No. 1. I'm sure this blogger doesn't know that I exist, but I love his music blog.