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Agenda : Socializing

First, Thanksgiving was fantastic! Good food, good people (for the most part) and good times with the people I love. My brother and I rode down to Macon. Makes sense because we live together. To my surprise, we didn't leave until about 12:30 am. NOPI is good for leaving Macon around 6 or 7. Not that I can blame him since there's not much to Macon, GA. Bless that city.

I gotta brag that I've been an excellent girl on the weight loss agenda. Well, this week. I was at LA Fitness on Monday and Wednesday for Aqua Fit, and I was back on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That's why I'm not at the gym on this Sunday because my body is beat the hell up.

Did I say Thursday as in Thanksgiving Day? Ya damn right I did!!! So I earned every calorie I happily consumed. But then I had a major plan. After eating what I wanted, I would walk around my auntie's neighborhood. Did that too!!! I did the damn thang because I have goals for September 2007.

So what did we have at my aunt's house? All kinds of goodies that were brought by every older adult. Whether my mom and her sisters realize it or not, they are doing the same thing that they complain that their aunts and uncles do in regards to the family reunion: they won't relinquish control or even take input - in their case, food - from the young folks. As long as the food is delicious, I don't mind so much. So, I delighted in moist turkey, good ham, dressing with giblet gravy, black eyed peas (good as hell!), collard greens, macaroni and cheese, green beans, crunchy potato salad (my mom boils the veggies but my aunts don't), pasta salad, my mama's famous Red Velvet Cake, my aunt's Upside German Chocolate Cake, and more. What made it all so wonderful is that I was a good girl and ate itty bitty portions of what I wanted. So I sampled everything. I sampled three items again, but I never ate myself silly.

End result of working out and eating smart at Thanksgiving. Well, I didn't gain weight. I didn't break even either. SistaGirl LOST three pounds over Thanksgiving. If that ain't motivation.... It's as if I have a crimson and gold "S" on my chest because that chick is making the health thing happen.

Friday was pretty cool. I fell for the hype of Black Friday once upon a time maybe 4 years ago. Never again. I'm not the typical woman because I loathe shopping. I make good decisions when I do it, but I can't see myself shopping...for fun. Eww. I hit the gym, came home, ate lightly, and fell asleep. Didn't even know I had passed out in front of the living room TV. My eyes opened and saw the time of 4:14. I called a homie of mine from my UGA days because she sent a text message, so I figured she was still in town and probably hosting another together. Miss International was indeed hosting a get together at Verve in Downtown Atlanta, and she wanted us to try to be there by 8 so we wouldn't have to pay later. So, I had to color my hair back to it's ruby glory and get my look together. I was beyond together and felt good about it.

Miss International invited several guests including her cousins and sisters. Miss International is actually Nigerian and she's beautiful. I met her family, and they were stunningly beautiful, too. I envied them with their exotic, chocolate, model-type looks, but I'm still a looker myself. So, I'm glad their gorgeous, but I'm not some pathetic homely chick. Miss International even invited a Liberian friend, a 5'9" bald dude that I assumed was mixed but learned was a light complected Indian (Punjabi), a funny white salsa-dancing chica with her Argentinan boyfriend, and some African-Americans. We had an excellent time there because we had great convo and good dancers in the group.

I got home around 2am and woke up for more exercise. I told y'all I have goals to meet! Later, I went to brunch with a friend and his two friends at American Roadhouse on North Highland in the Virginia Highlands. It's a cool place, and those three guys had me rolling! I've never met people with a meal and had to pull myself away from them over 3 hours later.

But I had to attend the UGA/Georgia Tech viewing party at a popular sports bar. I got there around 4:30 and had the best time with them, too. Now, I did encounter someone from my past, and I know the history of how we're connected between me and this person. Technically, we're not connected, but her other friend thinks that we should be. Now, you would assume I would sit with these women, and their friend thought that I would, too. Negative on that. I came with SupaChica, who I talk to at least once a week, and her fiancee. Why would I ditch them to sit with two women that I haven't talked to or seen (beyond bumping into one another) in about 3 years? I'm not fake like that with my friends, especially those that have been there for me. (If this doesn't make complete sense, then trust me when I say that there is a little more to the story that I'm electing to leave out.) So, when I saw their table speaking of me, I just smiled and ignored them. Bless their hearts.

I visited a cousin I hadn't seen in a while, too. I'm still the bougie cousin, but I'm just kinda wrapped up in my life. I promised that I would make time to see her again. I had to break out and go home because sista was exhausted from all of the socializing.

Before I knew it, I was in bed at 9:35, and I have no idea when I passed out. I obviously needed the sleep because my body isn't used to hanging out for hours on end.

And that brings me to today. I'm proud that I hung out because sometimes, I just don't. I'm trying to save The Mixologist from just staying home all the time. I want her to come out and kick it just because. There doesn't have to be an occasion or a guy involved. Just being thankful for life. I hope she'll be thankful next weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

**well written and SupaChica is Super proud for her girl meeting them goals** You Rock!!