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6 Minutes

I'm giving myself 6 minutes to type up real, real quick the good stuff on this Monday in December. Let's see what these flying phalanges can do.

1. Happy Centennial Anniversary, Alpha Phi Alpha! The men of APhiA have been celebrating this milestone all year long. The day is actually here where seven men founded the cornerstone of collegiate black greekdom. (If you don't get the collegiate part, I'll school you later.) I'm so pleased that all of the Divine Nine are in existence to see this day. Will we all be in existence for all nine organization's Centennial Celebrations? Will one organization have to fold because they've been completely sued out of existence because of hazing? Only time will tell, but I pray not.

2. Little brothers are great! OK, he's been taller than me for about 7 or 8 years now, but NOPI was the bomb today. He didn't get pissed when his engine died on me even though I was driving, and he still took time to take me to the NOPI store to get some pretty blue lights for my car. AlienNation was there with his little eared self, but he earned his spot in the fam today for real. I'll blog on the whole sordid affair another day. was 5, but I want 11:59 on my blog.

ETA: What the hell? The time on this site is 7 minutes off! Y'all get the point.

PS GO GATORS!!! GO SEC!!! I laugh at Michigan fans. Not because you're school is weak or anything. Just because this gives you a chance to get over your non-conference winning selves. BWAHAHAHA!

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