I'm watching one of my favorite games of the NCAA football season: the Tennessee Vols vs. those damn Florida Gators. I watch it every year, and it always delivers the drama, the excellent plays, the competition, and the awe that I always expect in this game. It's currently 4th Quarter with 2:52 left, and Florida is leading 21-20. The good thing is that you can't give up on Tennesse....but I have to take that back since Florida just intercepted a 4th & 10 pass! At least the Vols had the balls to give it a shot at this point in the game. I LOVE THIS GAME! There's been interceptions and bad judgement calls galore like the fool Gator that decided to run the punt...from the end zone and ended up getting tackled at the 10 or 12 yard line. The announcer said the same brilliant thing I said: He should have taken the knee. You and the fans think you're great, but you're not Superman. What were you thinking? Or were you thinking? You big dummy. *sigh*
I'm sure that none of my friends would believe that I'm really this deep into a game with two of Georgia's biggest rivals. I've finally come to the point in watching college football that I can actually appreciate schools other than Georgia. Yes, Georgia is the greatest school in the state, and we have a championship filled sports program. (Hate and the truth are the same; they hurt.) But the SEC is the best football conference. Period. I can't get into debates with hardcore fans about players, records, and coaches, but I know that we have a powerful conference that gives great entertainment and demands respect in the fall. It makes me proud when I see those SEC commercials. It's another tradition for Southerners to be damn proud of.
The irony? I've never attended a single Georgia game. Never....I want to. It's one of my goals on 43things.com. But I was a poor college student who worked in the student center on Game Day. Can you imagine working for and directing fans and alumni who are drunk at 8 AM? I promised that it's gone down like that. Especially trying to tell a 40 something year old former frat boy who returns to his frat boy identity, "Sir, you can't bring that beer into the Student Center." What about the returning sorority girl, "Ma'am, you cannot leave your children in front of our television. You must remain with your children." I can't make this up. It did not make me want to attend the game with those same people. I still love my Dawgs.

That second part of the title is appropriate. Sororities are serious, especially down South, but it's STUPID to let things get too serious. If you get in, great. If you don't, maybe you'll get in through a grad chapter. If you get in or not, a sorority will not make or break your existence. It is fun, but you will not need to be committed to a mental health facility if you're not in a sorority during your undergrad years or ever. But to the girls I saw today....
Being the dutiful sorority woman that I am, I did some sorority business outside of the usual chapter meetings. I supported our undergraduate efforts by attending a Greek Forum for a local college (and there are several in metro Atlanta). At this particular institution, interested young ladies must attend the Greek Forum held only once per semester before they can begin the process of joining a sorority. The purpose is to give the young ladies basic information about the sororities as well as making the ladies aware of hazing, legalities, and membership requirements such as a minimum 3.0 GPA. It's a great idea, and I applaud the school for such a great program. The only issue is that it is taken sooo seriously by the Greeks and the interests. You would've thought we were at a funeral. I was just waiting for a coffin to roll on the stage. Even some of the Greeks put on their game faces. Quiet. Stiff. Somber. Not a smile on a face. Barely anyone whispered.
On one hand, I'm glad that the young ladies take Greekdom so seriously because this is a big life decision. We Greeks want to know that you take your pursuit seriously because having the privelege of wearing the letters is not the end of your journey. We want to know if you'll still be serious enough to work hard at being a productive member of the sorority if you're chosen just like you worked so hard to be accepted for membership. Even so, no one should be that doggone intimidated. The ladies didn't even want to smile when the keynote speaker, my beautiful legal eagle soRHOr who keeps it real, encouraged them to loosen up. Sad.
Now, I spoke to a homie tonight who is an alum of said institution, and she said that was standard procedures. You bet' not smile. Don't even look around too much. I'm so glad I went to Georgia. Greek Life wasn't perfect there, but it wasn't that doggone serious for an open forum. It was actually fun. Now, it might have been more uptight at a specific sorority event where you're putting your interest on the table, but it wasn't to today's level.
How serious was it for me? I drove back home after being in my beautiful royal blue suit and banging black heels for over 6 hours. On the way home, I made a decision from the left lane to slow down so I could ease my Honda into the gas station so I could go to the package store to pick up the TGIFriday's White Russian. I wanted a drink after that event, plus I was gonna enjoy my college football. I removed my sorority pin and put my keys (on the sorority lanyard) away as I sashayed and twisted all of my hips into that store. Yes, I knew I was tight for the day, but I couldn't enter da licka sto' in my letters! I got my stuff, got home, stripped quickly out of the suit and enjoyed LSU vs. Auburn.
BTW, I'm losing weight! I'm gonna be so fine in September '07! I already know what's gonna happen, too. I'm gonna attract more men as I lose more weight. And not just random dudes. The ones that I really like. But I can already see a couple of convos going like:
Moi: "Where do you work out?"
Likable: "LA Fitness."
My face will light up: "Really? Me, too! Which location?"
Now, if'n Likable says, "Camp Creek" or "Akers Mill/Cumberland," then I'll have to say, "Really? Well, it was nice meeting you."
Former Likable who is slightly puzzled: "Is that a problem?"
Moi with a cool demeanor: "Yes, because you didn't talk to me when I was a fat girl trying to get healthy at Camp Creek or Akers Mill. You were probably chasing snow bunnies at Akers Mill. Now, you want to reap the rewards when you could've met me at the gym while I was on the Leg Press or lifting free weights. Negative on that, Captain."
I know that'll always be an issue for me. Would you have dated me when I was "pretty for a big girl"? (That's a dumb comment, not a compliment.) For now, I'm investing in moi by working out and eating better. Cottage cheese and green tea. Yeah...yummy, but an investment.
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