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When is this day OVA?

I finally hit "The New 20", and I'm quite content with things. However, I can't really get to deep into it because I'm stuck on the job where things have gotten more complicated and busier. This used to be such a super-easy gig! Sometimes, it made me think of staying even longer and postponing plans to start truck driving school in early March. Now, I'm tired of working so hard for these people. I get paid well and have cool colleagues..., but I'd like more money with less stress.

By the way, I've gotten myslf caught up in reading Omar Tyree. I just read "Flyy Girl" for the first time. I underestimated Omar Tyree just as I figure most readers did in the first several chapters. It was a completely easy read, but I figured it was because Omar was speaking in the voice of an 8 year old girl. As the chapters and pages went on, I began to appreciate the story and the characters. I'd recommend it. It must be good if I found a copy of the sequel, "For The Love of Money" at a friend's house and just had to have it. They'll get it back. I'm not one of those ghetto borrower's that will hold on to a book so long that I eventually convince myself that I walked into Barnes & Noble, bypassed the Cafe' and sacrificed my taste buds to go directly to the register to pay for the book. I actually no someone who let me borrow a book, and there was a pre-printed sticker with someone else's name in it. :/


5:34 PM

Still at work. Still looking forward to truck driving. Still at work. Still looking forward to my Kamick Time with the step sculpt class.

Sorry, folks, but I think I want hold off on talking about celebrating my 30th year. My birthday weekend was pretty cool, and I'm looking forward to more foolishness. Speaking of foolishness, the men of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc are having their national convention in my wonderful metropolis of Atlanta. How come I have a soror here who's hosting 3 Iotas at her house because she's an ever faithful Iota Sweetheart? Why will I be with her on Friday and probabaly Saturday, too? There'll be a stepshow on Friday night, and I'll be there to support the one team of my sorors stepping against 5 Delta teams. Why the hell are there 5 dang teams stepping for one org? Craziness.

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