This past Tuesday, plans were made for an easy-going "nice to meet you" date with a friend of one of my favorite cousins. I appreciated her thinking of me in the midst of her lovefest. In a lot of cases, people forget about their friends and family when they think they've found "The One". I know because I have been guilty of it, but not my cousin. She figured that if she was happy that she might be able to assist me in happiness with one of her friends. Awwww.... However, I think her ulterior motive was to provide a full table for dominoes games at her crib. Why not have her man, a cool cousin, and a cool friend to help her make four at her games? Of course, this is just speculation, but it makes sense in hindsight.
This friend of my cousin's, J, seems to be pretty boring. There's no personality over the phone, and he seems hesitant to have discussion. (That's why J is best name I could give him; there's nothing about him that stands out.) I really hesitated for this meeting, but since he stepped out for once and actually asked for the "date", I couldn't say no. Besides, there's a chance that he may be one of those people that doesn't care for phone convo but shines in a face-to-face experience. Just maybe.
Tuesday evening comes, and working out isn't on the schedule. I actually get home around 7:30 and give my dog a good bath outside. She was actually pretty good about it because she didn't run out of the tub or hide anywhere. Maybe she likes baths after all. Well, I got a little smelly myself, so I have to freshen up.
I figure this showering and looking nice thing would slow me down. In my considerate mode, I call J and ask, "Can we push back the time to 9:15? I need a lil more time to freshen up, and I don't want to make you wait for me alone at Longhorns." J agrees, and I get to scrubbing.
8:55 appears on my orange clock radio, and I'm still not completely ready. No worries because I live about 8 minutes away. I get jazzy with beads on my neck to balance a flirty tank and capri jeans. It's all topped off with a twist out hairstyle pinned into a mohawk. Yes, I know I'm on point, and J will see it, too. Not that I'm aiming for a romantic connection, but J needs to see what he's been sleeping on. I slip into my Honda around 9:12 and no that I'm running late.
It's 9:18 and I'm still on the way. Damn. So, I pull out the phone and call J again. No answer. I call back a second time, and there's J.
I open with, "Hey! I almost thought you had changed your mind and was trying to avoid my call."
J says, "Naw, I'm not that bad."
"Well, look, I'll be a Longhorns in about 3 minutes. I'm sorry for running late. Where are you?"
J plainly states, "I'm watering my grass."

That's all my silence. Right. There. "You're doing what?" I ask incredulously.
J plainly states again with no problem, "I'm watering my grass. I want this stuff to grow."
I can understand his desire of wanting all elements of his new home to be perfect. I can respect it. But at 9:18 when you have a date at 9:15? Really? The interesting part is that a lot of metro Atlanta is still under water restrictions, and most counties can do outside watering after 10 PM. Regardless, since when is grass so much more important than a date? Whose time counts the most: the woman who's out on a worknight and has to go to work the next morning, or the grass that doesn't have a job, won't fuss at you for waiting to water it, and has absolutely no obligations to anyone except to beautify our view of the world below as God saw fit to bless us with???
There was more convo that's absolutely incredulous. How did J's poor decision making skills affect him on a Tuesday night? I said, "You know what? I'm going home. I'm already on the street where Longhorn is, but I'm not waiting for your slow ass. This is so beneath my standards."
J actually begs, "Please don't go home! I'm on my way. I'll be there in 5 minutes."
"Oh hell naw," I protest. "Besides, it'll take you 5 minutes to get from the exit to Longhorns. You don't live on the exit, so it won't take 5 minutes, and I'm not waiting in a parking for 10 minutes for your arrival." Yeah, I got that angry t insist I wouldn't wait for him when I had called him to say I was about to make him late. Sounds contradictory? Like I give a flying fig. J was not in his car, but in his front yard. I actually turned around and went home and haven't heard from J since.
That horoscope from two Sundays ago is still ringing true. I'm surrounded by idiots these days, and I don't know if this is just a test, or if I'm being idiotic somehow and happen to be attacting the same idiocy. I don't feel like the latter is the case, but I just have to wonder about that. Should I be on man hiatus again? Damn, man hiatus is boring, and I'm having fun in my 30th year. Do I really have to make that big of a sacrifice? Now?
Despite my whining, they may be what I need to do. Concentrate on creative stuff, go work out, get my isht in order, and leave dudes alone. Maybe I need to find something to cuddle next to at night and spray it with some cologne or AXE. Anything but pulling these dummies into my personal space.
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