But the difference is I did it for a $2,000 first prize which went directly back to my chapter's treasury. My team's effort was a work of love where we gave our all with unselfishness because we were stepping in the name of our sorority. Dozens of sorors believed in us and showed up to the show, so we had to represent Sigma in the best light possible.

My dad and I got to arguing about this. My dad is a man that proves Chris Rock right everytime: the most racist person in the world is an old black man. Dad isn't really "old" at 55, but he's seen a lot growing up in middle Georgia and moving to Atlanta as a teen.
"Them crackas set Vick up. They didn't have to do him like that."
I'm looking at Dad like he's crazy. "Why it gotta be white people that set him up? Did they make his dumb ass fight some dogs?"
Dad says, "The white man always trying to bring blacks down, especially blacks with all the money."
I have to admit that in a lot of cases, Dad's theory rings true, but not in this case. His last comment had pissed me off, too. "Well, if Vick has all the money, and he knows someone's looking out for him just because he's black, why the hell would he put a bullseye on his back for them to hit their target? They could turn any little thing he does into a controversy. This dumb ass indulges in a controversial past time that is not a good look to a lot of people. Tell me how the hell white folks set him up for that?"
Dad stopped talking then because that isht was true. I'm just not one of the black folks that blindly supports what someone does because he's black. If you doing some nasty dirt, my name is not going behind it. Just because it's hot in the streets does not mean I have to support it. So just because Vick was making millions on top of millions because he was able to do what he was good at, that doesn't mean I'm going to blindly support his poor decision making skills. I feel the same about Busta Rhymes not cooperating with the police to find who killed his so-called close friend. I sho as hell don't care for Young Joc's song about the "CoffeeShop". Great analogy, but you got a kiddie type hook and melody talking about slanging. Get outta here with that mess!
Nonetheless, Vick should have a fair chance to redeem himself. In the meantime, maybe hundreds of thousands of kids everywhere got some kind of wakeup call from the Vick Debacle. Maybe they actually see that you can't just do any old reckless thing and get away with it. Maybe they finally know that if a famous athlete has consequences for his actions, they'll definitely have to face the music. Maybe they'll closely evaluate their decisions so they won't have to be called "The Biggest Loser" like Vick is right now.

Wish me luck. Pray for Vick.
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