One of the best lines in the whole song:
Waitin' paitently I ask myself
Where I wanna go, where I wanna be
If that song ain't talking about me right this second! The salespeople are going crazy with their "I want it yesterday" attitude as if we don't have anything else to do for our support jobs. We always have something to do. Well, Fridays can be kinda blah for my position, and the same kinda goes for sales. But they keep pushing, and it's making the job not so easy anymore.
That's why I still have my mind focused and steered straight towards being behind the wheel of a semi. I know I need to stay with this job for at least another 7 months. I may even sacrifice my happiness and wait 8 months so I can be on my chapter's step team again. (I can't be in practice in March if I'll be doing the truck driving school thing in March.) That sacrifice isn't so bad to me in comparison the idea of being constantly frustrated because I know I'm getting more and more sucked into this corporate life that I never wanted to be in. This goes to show again: If you own a small business, keep your business private and small enough so your empoyees don't have to suffer.
Meanwhile, I had two psychic moments in the past two days. Me and Bones are kinda on the outs. I've decided not to sweat it this time. If he calls, he calls. If he doesn't call, "then it just wasn't meant to be. It just wasn't." (MC Lyte's "Paper Thin") But back to the psychic moment. Monday morning, I was thinking of an answer to the question, "What song best describes your love life?" I was listening to Frank and Wanda on V-103, which I normally avoid because I'm a proud sufferer of SHMSS - Steve Harvey Morning Show Syndrome. Well, the song that comes to mind is "Stop Playin' Games" by 8Ball. We're both playing a stupid game, but he really needs to come correct on his game. I swear to God that "Stop Playin' Games" came on about 2 minutes later. Coincidence? Maybe.
On Tuesday morning, I'm driving into work just jammin' with a morning workout mix on V-103 again. What can I say - I just got tired of Tommy talking in Steve's absence, so I wanted to hear some hype in the morning. Faith runs through the traffic report, there's a quick news report, and a commercial comes on to my chagrin, but I don't change the station. Instead, I think to myself, "What they shoulda played was some LL Cool J. I need to find a LL Cool J CD for my car." I swear to God again that the next commerical started talking aout the G.O.A.T. Yes, the "Greatest of All Times" will be in the A this weekend hosting a party at The Compound. I'm seriously considering going because how often do you party with a hip hop legend? Coincidence? I'm not so convinced of that anymore.
Maybe I need to start working on my psychic abilities. Maybe I'll get a vision of winning lottery numbers so I can fly away on a spaceship with Kanye. Well, I'll fly off with Kanye's idea as I count my millions. OK...I'd be good with $250,000. You ever notice how you can't stand your job and just play the lotto a little too much because you sure hope you can get lucky and have a good ass reason to leave the job? *sigh* Just maybe the right combo of numbers will come to mind.
Vision is a gift. I think it's more of a 'spiritual' gift than the kind you can develop through science and a foray into 'Miss Cleo's Psychic Seminar', though I have found that meditation can help you 'see' clearly.
I've been dabbling into it a bit lately and it does give you a calm and centered feeling which can make it easier to make decisions. I guess that could be called 'sight'.
Meditation can be an awesome way to develop your 'sight'. I think vision is a spiritual gift and taking steps to develop it can be nothing but helpful.
I'd stay away from 'Miss Cleo's Psychic Seminar' though. My momma always said there are things we don't understand. I always took that to mean there are 'dangerous' things we may never understand.
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