The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 02/01/08
I honestly don't recall a lot of madness when I was in school. There definitely was fights, cliques, and a tragedy for each graduating class. The Class of '93 did lose a star athlete due a stupid after school shooting on a rival school's property. Things happened in school, but we made it out pretty okay. I made it out pretty decent considering I only speak to one person that I graduated with consistently.
But things must have gone on a terrible downslide for the school to hold a mock funeral. I thought it was the most beautiful effort that the administration has ever done. We had assemblies and pep rallies, but nothing as poignant as this. I have to applaud the current faculty of Benjamin E. Banneker HS. Hopefully, this effort will lead to more parents and students now focusing on the really important matters that impact their lives.
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