I just felt like sharing this photo from the 2007 Atlanta Greek Picnic. That's me on the end repping for the big girls. Luscious, ain't I? Hips, thighs, and mo'.
PS I see ya, taklifbystorm and T. Dixon! Thanks for the comments! Keep coming by! (yes...I'm excited)
It's 5:04, and I have 56 minutes left. How do I not use my time wisely? First, I go to FaceBook for any updates. I had to add one of my reddest soRHOrs to my friends list and just check on a couple of folks at random. Then, I come over here to share my world with the people. I'm tying as fast as I can, but the craziness is that I'm only giving myself 30 minutes for lunch. I'm tired and groggy as hell because I've been up all day just working and typing. I want to lay my head down, but that would be sleeping on calories. Can't quite do that because I need to get about 3 pounds off before the end of the month. So, I have to stay wide awake because I just refused to call first dibs on an earlier lunch. I usually go around 1:30, so this is bad.... I don't know what a workout will be like today, but I can't fall off now.
In the meantime, someone is trying the hell out of me. Bones is still out of town, and I haven't heard a peep from him. No text message. No quick phone call. No voicemail. I'm not sweating it, but I just find it interesting because of the events of this weekend. Maybe it's a test from God to figure out if I really, really want to be with someone so much older than me that I think I'm so compatible with. Or maybe someone up above is trying to tell me, "That dude ain't calling you, so you might as well go out to play! Do you see how fine you are, girl!?! You betta go play da game."
See, I went to a picnic on Saturday afternoon. I honestly intended to kick it with the sorors at this blue and gold picnic and roll out after an hour. I ended up helping them clean because I stayed behind having too much fun. Spades helped to hype me up because I would up handling things at a table with 3 interesting guys. None of them were really my type, but your girl was effervescing all over those guys and getting to talk some serious Spades trash. I even had to school my partner on the virtue of not underbidding.
"But why bid 8 when you only need to bid 4?" this dummy asks.
I look at him with an incredulous look of, "Is you serious?" I thought for a moment and nicely said, "It's the sportsmanship of the game. Underbidding your hand on purpose is pretty underhanded because it can set up your opponents to believe they may be underbidding. So your card playing is based on underhanded tactics, not sheer skills."
Dummy quickly says, "So? As long as you win."
My eyes narrow as I glare at him. "So, you're okay with cheating yourself out of an earned win? You're okay with cheating in general?"
He said some mess that basically meant it was okay, and I had to let it go. There's only so much stupidity I can take on a beautiful day in the park with free fixings and a banging mix CD full of old school R&B and hip hop. But before I let it go, I had to point to all the sandbags on the scoresheet and strongly advise him, "Bid yo' hand!" The other two guys and two of my sorors were quite entertained that I had to break it down to someone obviously older than me.
After the picnic, I kicked it with two sorors at Target. When you're around two cool people and the cutest chocolate baby that flirts better than some 30somethings, Target is a hella cool place. We shopped around and found cute stuff including some fantastic yellow beads: translucent, full of glitter, and as my brother, NOPI, describes them, like anal beads (graduated beads for the rest of you).
Eventually, I head home. At some later time, I call my friend, Special K. (Refresh yourself by visiting http://sunshynelyfe.blogspot.com/2007/02/boredom-has-set-in-lately.html.) We talked recently after I called him for a while. But while I was leaving messages, I was still getting to know Bones. Fast forward to Saturday, and I'm trying to keep my mind occupied so I don't have to wrestle with not calling Bones, so I call Special K. It's quite late, but he lives 3 minutes drive from me. He says I can come by to hang out. Cool.
What's interesting is before I make it to Special K's place, I go grocery shopping in all my afroliciousness. Yo' girl was on point in a cute gold top, dark denim capris, and a nice set of the blue anal beads for my neck. Niiice. So nice that a guy starts to hit on me in the store. Scott (who's real name can be revealed because he probably won't come up again) is 5'8', well built, caramel, nice smile, Jamaican. We walk around the store, talk, and exchange numbers. He really seemed smitten, meaning I probably won't be smitten. Interesting question: where was this dude when I was looking for someone? Why do these guys come out the wood works when you think you've finally found someone that you like?
So, I leave the store and wind up on Special K's doorstep. Not for a booty call. Just friendly time together. He opens the door in his white wifebeater and his brand new tattoo of his daughter's name on his shoulder. It's quite nice, and it's nicely positioned on his nice, big, round shoulder. But I have to blink back to reality and remember my sweetie. We sit around, we talk and reconnect, and then the inevitable happens: that dude tried me.
"Those beads are just so big. So juicy. Like you could eat one for breakfast."
In hindsight, I really missed what he meant. "Play with the beads if you want. They're just beads."
Special K takes his fingers up to the beads and rolls one around slowly. Somehow, I feel his finger lightly land on my chest that was nicely exposed. Then, I realize his finger is starting to linger, get comfortable, and move across my skin. WTF? I try to be cool and just remove his hand from my area before it finds my areola.
That clown tried me a couple of other times. He took the cake when he actually told me he wish he missed someone the way I was missing Bones. This clown just told me about some chick that he calls his Suga Mama.... Then, he asks me seriously, "Why don't you break up with the guy you're dealing with so you can hang out with me?" Again, WTF??? I thought about it later and realized he really wanted me to drop the cool dude that likes me the way that I am, but he still manages to encourage me to lose weight because he knows that's what I want. Special K wanted to be just friends only 5 months ago and now wants me just because me and my milkjugs are on his couch. I must admit I was cute as hell, and my shape was obvious..., but that dude is crazy. Needless to say, nothing happened for Special K, but I got the satisfaction of knowing that the dude that made me his friend wanted me.
Fast forward to Sunday, and I'll tell you two more dudes came out of the wood works including NutCase. Four dudes in 3 days. The last time I had this much blasting from the past, there were four dudes that came back around in three weeks. Fascinating stuff. I think God is straight trying me so I can figure a lot of things out including what I want out of a love life. I have a lot to reflect on before turning 30.